by Gitter通过吉特 建立在线社区:Numenta (Building online communities: Numenta) We caught up with Matt Taylor from Numenta — an organization whose mission is to lead a new era of machine intelligence and build computer systems around the princip…
展示世界的總人口。 SELECT sum(population)
FROM world 列出所有的洲份, 每個只有一次。 select distinct(continent)
from world 找出非洲(Africa)的GDP總和。 select sum(gdp)
from world
where continentAfrica 有多少個國家具有至少百萬(1000000)的面積。 select count(na…
游戏窗口组合键消息失败by Jessica Maria Gaddis杰西卡玛丽亚加迪斯(Jessica Maria Gaddis) 5失败的投资组合,以后我在这里 (5 Failed Portfolios Later and Here I Am) 我们是朋友,对吧? 太好了-现在向您展示我的UX产品组合看起来并没有那么…
# 1.解决Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform告警
安装Hadoop启动之后总有警告:Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-Java classes where applicable 环境:Red Hat 6.4 64位,jdk1…
python数据清洗数据排序import pandas as padfpd.DataFrame.sort_values(by,ascendingTrue,inplaceFalse)参数及说明by 根据某些列进行排序ascending是否上升排序,默认为True,False为下降inplace直接修改原数据?默认False,不修改&…
gitter 卸载by Gitter通过吉特 最佳Gitter渠道:游戏开发人员 (Best Gitter channels for: Game Developers) Today we have probably the most fun collection of Gitter communities — those for game developers. No matter if you’ve already spent hours dev…
自助银行服务系统项目开发by Alex Bunardzic由Alex Bunardzic 自助服务时代即将结束 (The Age of Self-Serve is Coming to an End) The history of the human race is basically a history of technology.人类的历史基本上就是技术的历史。 Some would object that history …
golang ci检测提示:
S1034: assigning the result of this type assertion to a variable (switch inter : inter.(type)) could eliminate the following type assertions:问题分析
di-tech2016Our open source community tossed around some ideas for April Fool’s jokes. But after we consulted Elon Musk’s flow chart, we decided to leave it to the pros.我们的开源社区为愚人节的笑话抛出了一些想法。 但是,在咨询了埃隆马斯克(Elon M…